Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wonders of a foot massage

After a long and tiring day, the mere idea of a massage sounds too tempting. In fact, something as simple as a 15-minute foot massage can leave you refreshed and energized.

According to a recent study, funded by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Health, foot reflexology reduces pain, enhances relaxation, improves sleep patterns and also alleviates conditions of anxiety and depression. The blood that circulates through the body is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrition to the body's cells. It also washes off toxins from the body. Foot massages can be beneficial as it decreases stress and allows the circulation of blood to flow uniterrupted.

It is always advisable to massage your feet with warm aromatic oil before going off to sleep. Not only will this help in improving your night's sleep, but will also ensure you are feeling refreshed the next morning.

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