Sunday, June 22, 2014

Depression in Children and Adolescents

Tackling depression in adolescents important
 In its latest report Health for the World's Adolescents -the World Health Organization (WHO states that depression is the top global cause of illness and disability among adolescents.

Experts from the United Nations (UN) agency arrived at this conclusion after direct consultations with participants in the age group of 10 to 19 from around the world to assess the health issues that affect them most. However, what is most worrisome is the lack of mental health care facilities for teenagers, most of who suffer in silence.

Moreover, experts warn that if depression is not treated at an early age, patients in all likelihood will suffer from the illness throughout their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Depression
-          Frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying
-          Increased irritability, anger, or hostility
-          Hopelessness
-          Preoccupation with nihilistic song lyrics
-          Decreased interest or enjoyment in once-favorite activities
-          Low energy
-          Persistent boredom
-          Frequent complaints of physical illness; for example, headache, stomachache
-          Poor communication with family and friends, social isolation Low self-esteem, feelings of guilt
-          Oppositional; negative
-          Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure
-          Inability to concentrate (poor performance in school; frequent absences)
-          Changes in sleep habits (Excessive late-night TV; refusal to wake in the morning)
-          Changes in eating habits (Failure to gain weight as normally expected; bulimia or anorexia)
-          Talk of running away from home or efforts to do so
-          Thoughts or expressions of suicide or self-destructive behavior

Are we in denial?
"Depression is considered taboo in our society . It's a lifestyle disease. There is a lack of medical help available for mental health issues. Moreover, we think that depression is a disease that affects only adults. Sadly, a large number of our children are falling prey to depression," says psychologist A Sridhara, adding, "With children, the issue is identified only when it reaches the peak, as they cannot express their feelings as clearly as grown-ups do."

Teen suicide versus depression
In recent times, Bangalore has witnessed seven cases of teen suicides. After the announcement of II PUC results, three cases were reported.

What is driving youngsters to end their lives?
"Youngsters face severe competition when it comes to education. Cut-off marks for college admis college ad sions are ve ry high. They have to endure great stress to survive, which is very unhealthy . Some can't handle the pressure and take drastic steps," says S Parthan, retired professor of IIT-Kharagpur and advisor of Agastya International Foundation, Bangalore.

Fight it
Luckily , depression can be diagnosed and treated. "Parents should be sensitive enough to identify if their children are suffering from depression and provide medical help. Proper psychosocial support, combined with antidepressant medication or psychotherapy can help children get rid of depression," says psychiatrist M Kishore.

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