Friday, June 20, 2014

Five ways to please your mother in law

Your mother-in-law might be the fly in the ointment that is your happily married life, because no matter what you do, you can’t please her. Well, maybe accepting your mother-in-law’s ways and habits might improve your relationship to a great extent!

We give you five ways to please your mother-in-law:

Let her be the expert
She’s been in charge of the house since before you stepped in, so sharing her power with someone else may eat at her. Let her feel like she is still in charge! Ask her advice on how to cook, and what to cook, ask her where she buys the vegetables from or even details of her son’s daily routine.
 If she feels that even you need her help, and that she’s still the boss, she may ease off on you.

Be her friend
Don’t just discuss servant problems with your mother-in-law, or what has to be made for dinner. Chat with her about things closer to you, like you would with your mother. Talk about how your day went or ask her about her sister’s health.
 Treating your mother-in-law like a friend will develop a bond between the two of you.

Give her alone time with her son
Your husband has been the centre of her world for a long time, and perhaps with your entrance, he doesn’t spend enough time with her. She might be missing the discussions they had at dinner, or the times he would sit besides her and chat.
 Let your husband spend some alone time with his mother. Let them bond over tea or let him take her shopping for a new cellphone. It’ll give your mother-in-law some time with her son.

Help your mother-in-law
Volunteer to take your mother-in-law to the doctor. Help out if she wishes to call her friends home for dinner. Take her shopping, or go for a movie together. It’s the little things you that go a long way in building a strong, happy relationship with her.

Your mother-in-law doesn’t have to be your enemy. With a little acceptance from both sides, and an initial effort on your part to please her, you may actually find a great friend in your mother-in-law!

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