Sunday, June 22, 2014

How to Make Easy Tandoori Chicken

Prep time:  10 mins
Cook time:  25 mins

Serves: 6

 If cooking in the oven, set your oven to the highest heat. Place the chicken pieces on a rack and cook for about 25 minutes. Turn the pieces half way through the cooking time. The chicken is ready when the juices run clear when pricked with a fork and the edges are blackened slightly.


12 free range chicken thighs skinned and left on the bone
Juice of two lemons
1 tablespoon salt
red food colouring (optional)
2 cups plain yogurt
2 tablespoons garlic puree
1 tablespoon ginger puree
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 green chillies finely chopped
1 bunch of coriander leaves finely chopped

Remove the skin from the chicken thighs.
Using a sharp knife, make three slits in each thigh. This is done so that the thighs marinate better.
Squeeze the lemon juice all over the chicken thighs and sprinkle with the salt and let sit while you make the marinade. You should also add a couple drops of food colouring at this stage if using.
Place all the marinade ingredients in a food processor and blend to a fine paste. Cover the chicken pieces with the marinade and rub it with your hands deep into the flesh of the chicken.
Allow to marinaded for six hours or up to 48 hours - the longer the better.
When ready to cook, build a log fire in a kettle barbecue for best results. The flavour of the burning wood together with the marinated chicken is phenomenal!

You are ready to grill when you can hold your hand two inches above the grill without it being unbearably hot. On a gas barbecue, set the grill to medium high heat.

Cook the tandoori chicken turning occasionally until the chicken is cooked through and the edges are blackened.

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