Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Asian diet for pregnant women

Majority of Asian diets comprise of legumes, wheat, rice, fruits and vegetables. Following are some ideas which will ensure that you have a balanced diet during pregnancy:

Vegetables & Fruits

Eat a variety of vegetables in rotation. Do not eat the same vegetable day after day. Include vegetables like Ridge Gourd, (Bottle Gourd,   cauliflower,  spinach and cabbage  in your diet.

Vegetables and foods which can induce heat in the body like brinjal, yam, papaya, celery,  mustard, jaggery must be consumed in moderation only. In case you have a previous history of abortion it is better to consult your doctor before deciding on your diet plan.

Women prone to suffer from constipation, gas, bloating should avoid peas and other fruits/ vegetables that are heavy to digest like potato. Instead consuming sprouts is recommended since they are full of nutrition and fiber to ease constipation.

Food made of refined flour like bread, bun, and pizza can cause acidity and increase water retention in the body. Hence, these  foods should be consumed in moderation only.  Fruits like banana, black grapes, dates, apricots and cashew nuts are very beneficial for pregnant women.

Vitamins & Minerals

During pregnancy it is essential to have a balanced diet which provides the body with all vital vitamins and minerals in adequate amounts. For this it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe a prenatal vitamin supplement so as to ensure that the body gets the nutrients in a consistent and timely manner.

A pregnant woman should include at least 3 servings of iron-rich food in her diet every day. The recommended minimum iron dosage for a pregnant woman is 25 mg daily. Pregnant women should consume at least 1000-1400 mg of calcium every day. This can be achieved by consuming dairy products high in calcium like milk, cheese and butter.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A is another nutrient which the body requires during pregnancy. Sources of vitamin A include pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots and turnips. However, a word of caution here - during pregnancy it is essential to control the intake of Vitamin A which is capable of causing harm or damage to the embryo. The recommended intake of Vitamin A during pregnancy is up to 10,000 IU per day.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is essential for pregnant women. To ensure that a pregnant woman gets the recommended dosage of 70 mg of vitamin C every day she must choose at least one food item rich in Vitamin C like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green peppers, oranges, grapefruits, orange, strawberries and honeydew.

Foods to Be Avoided in Pregnancy  -

Abstain from eating left over, deep frozen or frozen food.

Other foods to be avoided during pregnancy include cold drinks, chicken, mutton, cigarettes, alcohol, tobacco  and betel nut.

Tea and coffee must be consumed in moderate quantities only.

Although not proven research studies have indicated that including large quantities of nutmeg in the diet may be detrimental to the well being of a pregnant woman.

When looking to chalk out a balanced diet plan for pregnant Indian women, it may be worthwhile to consult a qualified nutritionist who will prepare a plan after taking into consideration her personal requirements and any allergies that pregnant woman may be suffering from.

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